Article by Codemotion
Glad to see Codemotion has published a blogpost on my recent talk and cloud native tutorial series.
It takes developers on a learning journey from monolithic applications to microservices, containers, Kubernetes and OpenShift. I’ve tried to keep the material quite simple to follow, and give as much details for each technical domain as possible.
Here is a quick reminder of the content that you will learn through the series.
In the first workshop you will learn about cloud-native application development, the benefits of microservices architecture, and the motivations behind their vast adoption. Then it’s time for a quick tour of a COVID-19 application and how it is designed. Would you like to skip the intro and dive directly into the tutorial of your interest? Here’s an overview of the other episodes:
In the second workshop you will learn about containers and how to use Docker as the de facto standard to containerize and test your applications.
In the third workshop you will learn about container orchestration, Kubernetes concepts and components, and how to deploy and scale your application on Kubernetes.
In the fourth workshop you will dive into the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and experience how OpenShift simplifies and secures your orchestration tasks by automating the steps taken with Kubernetes. You first use the command-line interface tool to deploy and scale the built containers. Then, you use the OpenShift web console to deploy the application by using only its source code with a few clicks. That powerful feature for developers is called Source-to-Image (S2I).
In the fifth workshop you explore how Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces on OpenShift helps teams build with speed, agility, security, and, most notably, code in production from anywhere.
In this sixth workshop you use Red Hat CodeReady Containers to build, test, and deploy your application locally on your machine.