DataNatives 2020


Data Natives has been forging data science networks around the globe with 80000+ members. Each year, they host events in 50 key tech capitals for their global data community, bringing together the smartest in data, tech and entrepreneurship.

Data Natives 2020 has gathered over 5000 global participants and 160+ Speakers from 22 countries worldwide.

I’ll be looking forward to delivering a technical talk on my cloud native Covid-19 data analytic application written in Java and Python.

My main objective is showcasing the simplicity of deploying a data science application by only pointing an OpenShift cluster to the source code on Github. That is a simpler process, made possible by OpenShift’s S2I (Source to Image) feature, compared to Kuberentes for deploying a microservice application without containerisation.


Cloud and AI Forum


Codemotion 2020